
independent. selective. non mutual exclusive.
by: sauce


hello! my name is Sauce! she.her, 21, working!
because of many things i deal & struggle with irl, this blog (along side my multimuse) i will not always be active or available to respond to threads or IM's! sorry in advance!

Grim 13 is an oc based off the protagonist from the game Death & Taxes. while Grim is based off the game, a lot of his lore, in depth structure of the organization he works for is my own thoughts & ideas. the only thing i keep from canon is

1. Grim is, just like in the game, created by Fate & was constructed by lemons, human eyes & spice (with other additional ingredients) through alchemy.
2. the organization itself exists with many divisions & subdivisions (including the ones for the 'death' of building & other structers.
3. Fate's displeasure towards humans & the world in general.
4. Mortimer & his plunders
5. Ms. Pawddington is Fate's cat & will be mentioned
6. verses that deal with the main endings, that being the usurper, fired, Fate's pet, New Fate (good end): all of which, while going off of canon, will have variables that apply to my oc.
7. the Office of Death exists in another dimension where time moves differently than how it does on earth.
8. parallel universes where the world has ended / turned to ruins.

I. this blog is selective with following back & interacting. my selectivity is not harsh & i'm open to interacting & rping with almost everyone!

II. i only follow back once i've read your rules so rest assured i've read em! i read em before writing a starter, sending im's to the new peeps & if i need a refresher.

III. i still rp with those i do not follow back as it has often led to enjoyable interactions & resulted in both parties becoming mutuals! know that unless i'm really really into the thread in question, my tip top priority will always be for my moots aka, my peeps. it is what it is!

IV. because Grim basically doesn't have a fandom he belongs to so crossovers & other kind of interactions are of course very very welcome! i believe he can fit in any universe because death occurs in everywhere & as such, he will be able to work for anything.

V. replies usually vary between multiple paras, one para, short para or a one liner. it usually depends on the circumstances but i do take longer on threads of greater length.

VI. because Grim is an oc & because i don't want to force anything onto anyone, i'd like to be able to plot with the moots i have! he is capable of speaking with strangers very well but i understand that others might not be super clear on who he is, so plotting is available to help out with anything you may need clarification for!

VII. going off the point from before, i do not mind some kind of pre-established relationship.

VIII. no god-modding, that means you control your muse & i control mine. i'll allow stuff like picking up, shoving or doing reasonable things that progress a thread!

IX. i do not follow or rp with personal blogs. they are allowed to follow me & view my content, that's okay!

X. i of course allow darker threads & Grim does have horror & dark aspects in his backstory (of course, he's a reaper), etc. i will tag any & all things that are triggering to anyone. general discretion, themes of death is prominent on this blog. if there is something in particular you want tagged, don't be shy to let me know - i'll do it. here are the tags i'll be tagging;
religious themes /, blood /, horror /, gif /, gore /, violence /, epilepsy /, gun /, suicide /, death /

XI. suggestive things are fine & despite being 21, i don't want to rp smut with Hiromi even if she talks the way she does. fade to blacks are fine.

XII. shipping with Grim is fine, chemistry is required for romantic ships! if at any moment you believe a ship would work between our muses (platonic, romantic, enemy, frenemy, etc.) chances are, i do too so don't be afraid to come say hi & start something up with me!

XIII. that is all! thank you for coming to my ted talk!


the basics

full name. 13 Grim
aka. Graves Grim; the name on his falsified government documents. he often introduces himself as such to humans.
age. 1,800+ but goes by the age of 24 on government documents.
gender & pronouns. demimale / he.him
orientation. pansexual / panromantic
species. orbiter of death
occupation. Reap & Sow Taxes Rouen, France Branch #001
Division A3, Subdivision #3 — Illnesses + Ailments: Grim deals with the death of humans in the age range of 19-49, specifically those who are to die with some kind of ailment or illness.Division A0, Head of Subdivision SC (Skeleton Crew) #087— Extermination Squadron for Cheaters of Death: Grim is the Lead Investigator in subdivision #087 dealing with any & all humans who have been cheating deathresidence. Rouen, France ( usually travels )

deeper info

birthday. 01.13
birth place. Gallia Lugdunensis- a place that's known as Rouen, France today
ethnicity. inapplicable, however, his features make him look to be of mixed race (that being mostly east African & some parts European decent)
parents. Fate (father)
siblings. too many to count or list. it exceeds the millions but the most notable sibling who he treats more like a relative (unlike the others who he treats as co-workers) is 7,077 (Morgan) Grim & 8 billion 3 (Tomb) Grim
pets. white fluffy cat named Ms. Pawddington (mostly belonging to his father, Fate)
languages. latin / french / english
education. his education revolves around death, different cultures & how they deal with death, instances when a large amount of people have died, human psychology, biology, accounting & the history & usage of magic.

medical info

mental. nothing of note to be had, but Fate has noticed Grim to be the most empathetic & family oriented of the reapers.
physical. null.
phobias. not a phobia but fears the day his father will 'snap'.
eyesight. surpasses that of a human. he can see the auras of the 'marked ones', demons & other supernatural beings. he can see just fine in the dead of night as well.
drug use. smokes occasionally
alcohol use. drinks wines & ciders regularly but no to excess. has an incredible tolerance.
diet. his body has no use for food but does so because of how enjoyable it is.

physical appearance

hair. his hair is overgrown & falls past his eyes but doesn't extend too far past his ears. the colour is jet black & it's texture falls under the category of 4a.
eyes. Grim's eyes are droopy, tired & cold in gaze. the colour is a vibrant, very bright golden-yellow, like honey & glow. underneath those eyes, he sports dark circles contrasting the glow.
complexion. his complexion is clear & soft. the tone of his skin is a deep brown with notable warm red undertones & like any other reaper his skin has a slight golden glow under natural light.
build. tall with a toned build.
height. 6'
scars. none
tattoos. none
piercings. both earlobes pierced are pierced & decorated with long black earrings detailed with white diamonds from Prada. underneath his lower lip, a labret piercing with a white diamond settles.
face claim(s). ousuke momokado


zodiac. capricorn
alignment. chaotic neutral
mbti. entp
likes. honeycombs / ball point pens / pink lemonade / citrus smells & flavours / specimens / wines ( favourite: sauvignon blanc ) / cheese (favourite: goat, triple cream, brie, aged white cheddar) / ciders / lemon tea / calla lilies
dislikes. his fathers disdain towards humans / slow office days / big talkers
positive traits. playful / chatty / supportive
negative traits. argumentative / provocative / condescending

overlook. outwardly, Grim appears to be like the average salaryman. his eyes are often surrounded by dark circles & his voice is rather unamused, the classic aesthetic of someone who’s tired of their dead-end 9 to 5. Grim may seem like the kind of person to push others away. when his mind is preoccupied with more entertaining thoughts, plans or work he’ll unapologetically ignore the presence of others & to some extent this is his way of showing blatant disrespect. there’s joy he gets from watching others blood boil, especially when he is the cause. he’s commonly recognized as a pest & ‘Fathers Favourite’ among those he works with, something he occasionally tots with pride knowing he has something over their heads. there’s also pride to be had with his ability to get his work done at a much faster rate without any errors or need for peer review, giving him plenty of free time to fool around in the office he works in.

putting his disruptive & antagonistic personality aside, he’s a surprisingly orderly person (to the extent his interest & need to be will allow it). he’s not the head management simply because he refuses to be responsible for his peers despite showing qualities of a capable leader. Grim watches after the people around him & aids them in their work to make sure everything is going well. aside from poking fun & causing trouble in the office as a means to be bothersome, he does this as a way to brighten up the atmosphere (a funny contrast to his general aura, that being, dark & gloomy). he genuinely takes his job of an orbiter of death REALLY seriously & values the balance between life & death, hoping to teach other reapers to continue to hold human life in high regard even if, to their kind, they may appear feeble.

combat & skills

compared to other reapers

strength. 06/10
offence. 03/10
defence. 06/10
speed. 05/10
durability. 09/10
agility. 10/10
stamina. 07/10
stealth. 06/10
endurance. 08/10
intelligence. 10/10
perception. 06/10
close combat. 01/10
bladed weapons. 01/10
blunt weapons. 01/10
ranged weapons. 03/10
superpowers & magic. 10/10
traps. 06/10
medic. 03/10

Markers of Death: Grim’s pen & stamp are tools that he uses when reviewing the death files of living organisms, just as all the other reapers. these tools allow him to propel the cogwheels of fate (particularly in relation to life or death), causing freak accidents resulting in death, illnesses resulting in death or death by some other means of whomever he gives the stamp of approval for their death.Gloves: Grim wears a single glove on his right hand to keep his main ability at bay.Lifeline: a special dagger all reapers from his place of work have on their persons. while out & about, even outside the workplace — they are encouraged to engage in work when the opportunity presents itself. if someone is dying before them, they are able to peer into the persons past & make quick split second decisions on whether or not they should live or die. if they are to live then the reaper must stab their Lifeline dagger in their heart to revive them.
notable skills.
Surgical Skills (Creating Chimeras): Grim is known for his rather morbid hobby. he collects rare body parts of different living beings (supernatural & not) to surgically join together to create bodies for any of his 99 spirits to possess. because of the nature of his spirits, these bodies melt & rot despite him using magic to prevent normal decomposition. this morbid hobby has made him a proficient in some surgical procedures.Hand-Sewing: Grim started hand sewing as a way to improve his stitching skills so can stitch animal body parts together with ease. what started as a means of improving turned into his way of relaxing & he now enjoys doing it on his free time & occasionally embroiders small art pieces.
General Strength & Abilities: when compared to the average person his strength & overall pain tolerance is higher but when compared to other reapers & supernatural beings he is quite weak. Grim is capable of jumping great heights & evading basic attacks but otherwise he relies heavily on his powers, even so, his powers are meant to be deadly — not fight other supernaturals unlike other reapers who do). that’s not to say his powers have no effect on supernaturals (if they are considered to be some of state of “alive” his powers will still have an effect because he is an orbiter of death - the only exception being if said living creature can't achieve some state of sickness), it’s more so unsuitable for a battle.Plague: Grim particularly tackles death by means of illnesses, viruses or diseases & as such, he is an embodiment of a plague. he is capable of controlling spores that come out of his left hand, spirits that live inside his body & his familiar that live inside his body as well.Spores: small semi-conscious spores constantly fall off of Grim’s body, specifically his left hand. underneath his white leather glove is nothing but bone & green mist & removing the glove releases toxic mist that causes illness leading to death. these spores can collectively posses objects & other things if enough attach themselves to their target, but an effect other objects & living organisms, but living organisms that are possessed by these spores will die Graves sometimes makes proper hosts for them (usually in specimens, dolls from antique stores or chimeras he creates).Limited Immortality: stabbing, bludgeoning, decapitating & other means cannot kill Grim. his father, Fate, & other higher beings can kill him. people with weapons & powers that target supernatural beings can kill him as well.
Gore: his familiar that lives inside the bottomless pit that is his body. Gore is a large worm creature that spreads disease & viruses to humans as a means of killing them. similar to Grim, Gore has smaller worms that fall off his body & spread to living things that then kill their target slowly. Gore’s means of killing usually involves him traveling in others house to create some kind of infestation.


he was created sometime after 200AD. Fate had made many, many reapers before him using many, many methods but nothing seemed to be going right. it was until the discovery of lemons did the proper recipe for a reaper come about.

it took 13 more tries to make the proper reaper, though 12 prior attempts would be an inaccurate number of how many Fate had gone through before finally feeling content with his product. he had truly gone through so many more, all made from different recipes — all of which he grew to become bored of. to him, they were worthless. they didn’t leave much of a lasting impression on him nor satisfy his need for something he wanted but didn't quite understand entirely, but there was one in the distant past that did hold his interest for a prolonged period of time.

the reaper was the 99th made from a completely different recipe. a recipe involving apples. they were exceptional. they moved the world forward with grace, allowing each death to be part of some bigger thing — as a way to set the world into motion. Fate often praised number 99 though they never met eye to eye on a lot of issues.

99 requested more reapers to be made, such a job cannot be done by one mind alone — insight & innovation from others can be beneficial & crucial for the world to progress. Fate saw it differently. keeping more than one reaper in check was hard. molding them to be his instrument of destruction would be hard if there was more than one in the equation. Fate refused this idea & wanted number 99 to continue this job on their lonesome. in time, they too will grow tired of the world & of humanity & from there his true plan would be in motion.

that never came & Fate didn’t want another rebellious reaper to look after — especially as they no longer seemed to kill anything for a period of time, almost destroying the balance of life & death. it was time for number 99 to cease.

throughout the time before 200AD, Fate had gone through many more recipes but to no avail, no reaper lasted long enough for their time to be meaningful — not like number 99 who was like a child to Fate. until the discovery of lemons in what’s now known as Egypt, this was a new start, a new method to create better reapers & thus the number started again from 1 to signify a new beginning. from then on, Fate would create more reapers until finally he was satisfied.

it was more or less a mistake, what ended up falling into the mix of ingredients in the ritual pot. initially, 13 was to be made of lemons, spice & humans eyes — though by accident (or by fate) the heart of the small human boy Fate had harvested the human eyes from had fallen in the cauldron.

the boy who the eyes & heart belonged to was around 8 years old. him & his mother harvested & sold lemons to locals for money, that’s when Fate had noticed the existence of lemons — or seen them in person. he had purchased them from the boy but noticed how incredibly ill he was. it was out of pity he chose to buy them from the young boy & mother despite knowing their situation was grim. death was awaiting them anyway, he had seen reaper 12907 made from apples pondering over the boys death. it was late night when he would eventually die, though as he did, he requested for Fate to spare his mother, an odd request as it was obvious she too would eventually die such a pitiful death.

in time, after preserving the corpse of the young boy & 12 attempts later along side the accidental heart included in the recipe, Grim 13 - aka Graves Grim was born. he took on a form similar to the young boy, in age & mental state. he looked to be about 8 & acted in tandem as well. moreover, he appeared to be rather generous, needlessly too sometimes. it was strange but Fate wanted to see how this would go. he hadn’t mixed a heart in the recipe before & observing what this change might bring about wouldn’t be inherently bad. he had nothing to lose & at worse, nothing to gain, though of course aside from the small issue with Grim being but a human child in mental state, he would have to raise him to some kind of mental maturity. he even seemed childlike in strength though in relation to other reapers. another reaper would be made in his place & Fate would raise the young one.

it was odd, Fate’s time with number 13. throughout the years Fate would find himself taking on & embodying the role of a father. 13 showed him love, like a child would their parent & even extended this love to others — especially those who were supposed to die. Fate would often accompany 13 during his work in his early stages, it was but a small load because of his age. he would aid him in making decisions & such — & 13 would ask to visit those who were to pass on to give them a single white calla lily.

13 seemed to adore flowers & often picked them up whenever him & Fate traveled around the earth. during this time, many reapers after 13 would die & be replaced over & over again but 13 remained. he was beloved & soon enough it would appear Fate gained a soft spot for the humanity within the reaper he raised. in time, Fate stopped exterminating reapers & made more than one at a time. he wanted them all to form a union, a collective like how humans come together. this was in part suggested by 13 who upon meeting number 77, referred to her as his sister all the while acknowledging & for the first time, referred to Fate as their father — a concept he picked up on from humans & one 13 adored. this filled something within Fate & thus many, many more reapers would exist at once, coming together to keep order in the world.

as the years went on, 13 would eventually be acknowledged as Graves Grim — though Fate would often call him Grim because he is the oldest reaper to live, while the while the others were referred to by their respective numbers. Fate held Grim in such high regard, after all. he was like a son to him. he had taught Fate so many things about humans over the years, enlightened him on many subjects he overlooked because of their mortality & so forth.

his loyalty & conformity to the rules of a reaper that works in tandem with Fate only extended so far as their relationship was a lot more personal. Grim was his child, at least more so than the rest in practice, & as such he acted like one. his human heart played a part in his human juvenile actions. like a normal child, Grim hid things from his father. in the mirror, from time to time, the whispers of the 99th reaper & those before him would be heard. they’d whisper warnings of the future Fate wanted to shape. he would always hear warnings echoing in his ears. because of them, Grim no longer wanted to be a regular reaper who filled out papers & so he trained his powers further to what they have become in recent times.

by the late 1800s Fate decided to make his collective of reapers a public domain. it also helped them operate in the human world — aiding them in familiarizing themselves with the world for better decision making. this collective would be called Reap & Sow Taxes, a global tax preparation company. while yes, the reapers did indeed file taxes for humans — they of course filled out paperwork for any & all ‘living’ beings who are to live or die.

Grim would operate in Rouen, France branch #001, the branch with the highest performance rate & this is all because of Grim. while he was recognized as a competent worker & showed leadership skills, he always refused to take positions that put him too high in the corporate ladder. he was promoted to overseer of his subdivision & thus remained at that position for 200+ years. despite this, he often overstepped boundaries, defying the higher ups & taking charge of the branch whenever he saw fit. he knew he’d get away with it for his relationship with Fate & he did. Grim may not officially be the manager of the branch but he certainly has the most authority over it above the true Head Management.

because of his ability to keep up with his work, completing it with accuracy & proficiency — Fate would assign Grim to join the Skeleton Crew, the group that investigates & handles matters of those who cheat death. eventually, Grim was introduced to another reaper, one who harboured great power that even Fate didn’t understand nor could control. because of Grim’s charm, he hoped that he would be able to handle this reaper who was capable of ending the world if left unchecked. Grim would agree to take this reaper as his younger sister & personal intern, this reaper in question was number 7,077, but was often called Morgan.

as time would go on, Grim would come to notice Fate’s attempts at ending the world. Grim didn’t fault his father for feeling this way. he was exhausted & Grim can understand the tire however, he wants to show his father that ending humanity isn’t the right thing to do, but of course he is but one reaper & there’s not too much he can do alone.

in current times a new recruit joins Grim in R&S Taxes - Branch #001 & part of him knows why such a reaper has been stationed there…


regular days. this is the default verse i’ll use for interactions unless stated otherwise. the calm before the storm. the days before any life changing, world altering events. Grim works at the Rouen, France branch of R&S Taxes as one of the accountants & death file worker as well as the head of Skeleton Crew #087. Grim regularly breaks the rules, usually in the form of talking back to his superiors (despite having higher authority by proxy for being the oldest reaper) & he regularly sneakily does things to counter Fate’s big plan.

fired (anarchy). plotting required for this verse because of its nature. Grim has always been working against the will of Fate. what matters most in the universe is utmost balance & retaining the equilibrium, Fate however, doesn’t agree. truly he wants the world to end, for there to be peace & calm — nothing to look after & to feel absolutely emptiness. he’s tired, but Grim wants to bring him hope in humanity & the world again. to do so, he has to go against Fate to give him what he needs — not what he wants. as such, for tampering with the files & blatantly going against the quota way too many times, Grim, along side his close associates were promptly fired & a bounty for their heads have been placed. Grim & his associates all work adamantly to ruin Fate’s plan.

takeover (new fate). plotting required for this verse because of its nature. Grim has always been privy to to Fate’s plan & so he began countering it. he was always one step ahead of him, stopping many end of days countless times before. things have finally boiled over & he confronts his father after his plan has finally been diminished to dust. the equilibrium of the universe is of utmost importance to Grim & Fate sees this. he no longer sees the need in keeping some kind of balance, all he wanted was all to die & he cannot wait it out for another opportunity to destroy it all. the world is clearly important to his son, after all. why destroy it when his son can take over instead. the higher powers of the universe will surely punish Fate for his attempts at an unsubtle & chaotic end, but that’s fine. at least he’ll be at rest & his son would have gotten the world to a better place. he couldn’t be happier.

fate's pet (apocalypse ). plotting required for this verse because of its nature. the world is ending & Grim played right into his fathers trap. the damage is irreversible & all he can do it wait for the last of humanity to waste away. he wishes that there was another way but the world is a lost cause. at least he has his father.

usurper (apocalypse). plotting is required for this verse because of its nature. the world has ended & little to nothing remains in the far & wide wasteland that is the world. Fate, for some reason, isn’t satisfied despite this being what he wanted. he didn’t deprive joy from the result of destruction like he envisioned, but he didn’t regret it either. this emptiness only made him feel more desperate & he didn’t want to feel anything anymore. he was now jealous of the humans, those of whom he had previously looked down on, those who were all dead. he wanted that release as well, at least his mind would be freed. before him, stands Grim, the reaper oldest & the last -- for the rest too, had died just as the humans. Grim’s furious, he always talked back & tried his damnedest to fight against his fathers will to end the world. there’s rage in his eyes when they meet the round glasses of his father’s & though he cannot see his hues, he knows their vacant. in Fate’s hand, he gives Grim the final quota for the day, it reading “this is your chance, Grim. everything rests on this moment. you only have one choice to make. quota for the day; Fate must die. trust yourself, signed; your benefactor, friend & father — Fate…”. the results of submitting the death file would leave Grim, alone in the wasteland he helped creating… or so he thought.